Meera Rajasekaran

Dr Meera Rajasekaran joined in September 2022 as the first Macmillan Jersey Consultant Physician to support the ICJJ initiative (Improving the Cancer Journey Jersey) and is chair of the Cancer Psychological Support multidisciplinary team.

She previously worked as a Consultant in Palliative Medicine for 6 years in NHS England - East of England prior to moving to Jersey where she was a Consultant in Palliative Medicine for 4 years at Jersey General Hospital.

Meera has also worked internationally as a Consultant in Singapore and via the Lien Foundation taught Palliative Medicine in Indonesia and Vietnam and helped with humanitarian support in Sri Lanka, after the civil war.

Meera has been a qualified hypnotherapist since 2002 and she uses this with patients and relatives, to help alleviate physical symptoms as well as stress and anxiety.